Kay's Whimsical Creations
We take ordinary metal tools and various items, add paint and imagination, and create extraordinary garden creatures. Our creatures are welded together, cleaned, and each one is handpainted. None are exactly alike. These are a small sample of our creatures. We are able to custome make items. IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, WE CAN MAKE IT!!

Ladybug is created from a whole shovel, and tip end of a shovel; ball bearing eyes and nail antenna
Standing Bird

Standing bird is made from two shovels put together; an antique plow for a tail; antique mowing blade guard for a head; Legs and arms are textured steel rod; fingers are cutting nails

Tiger is made from two refrigeration tanks; shuvel for his face; part of the shovel handle for his legs and a long tail created from steel pipe.

Grasshoppers are made from pipe wrenches, nails for antenna, textured steel long legs, and peg board inserts for short legs.

Flamingo is made from one half of a refrigeration tank, barn door hinge, ball bearing eyes and textured steel rod legs and feet. (used as a planter holding a 10 inch pot)